Thursday, 8 September 2011

Hello to 14 year old me....

A friend on twitter today asked people what advice they would give their 14/15 year old self. This got me thinking. So I decided to blog a letter to my 14 year old self! So here goes...

You probably don't recognise me but I have a lot to share with you. You are beautiful. You don't know it yet but God is real and he is your heavenly father. he made you to be strong and beautiful. He knows everything that you are going through and have endured already. You are not alone in any of this.
Life isn't easy and it might never be- but who wants people to say about them after they died that they had an easy or comfortable life. Life should be an adventure. You have a roller coaster ahead of you Cat! you're life will be tough at times - you are going to experience pain, but - and I can't believe I'm going to say this - that's ok! you aren't alone in any of this, even when you feel entirely alone. I don't want to tell you too much about the bad times yet to come, because they are the times that will shape you into who you are, but you do get through the next few years and you aren't a bad person.
Don't place too much importance on finding other people who fancy you or spend too much time trying to impress people so they'll "like" you. Often they aren't worth the time. You won't feel this alone forever, friendship is important but true friendship is much easier than you think and it will come in abundance, at the right time.
Your parents are doing (as Savage garden put it) "the best job they know how to". Try not to be too harsh on them, but remember that there are other people in your life who can and will help you out when it all gets too much!
by the way - your sister is lovely, honest! talk to her more!!
that thing that you fear, you know, the one that you have pretty much accepted - that doesn't happen, that doesn't come true. Then again that big dream of yours - well that hasn't happened either - at least not yet, but I'm only 25 so who knows...?
take care of yourself, give yourself a big hug! you are worth it!,
your older self x

wow! well there we go! I've got no idea what I would have done if I had received that at 14??
Hope you're all well!,
kitten out x

Monday, 15 August 2011

well - it's been a riot...

sorry about the title, couldn't resist.
I know it's been a while since I last wrote, I've been busy socialising and the my forge blog has taken off. 
I'm so lucky to have the job I have for many many reasons. 
1) I love it! few can say that!
2) Summer hols, yeah I know there's a few of you probably groaning out there but, I really do try and use this time to catch up on those little jobs that I've been putting off, and more importantly to catch up with people and build on my friendships with others! So important!
3) I am so privileged because I get to work with young people. These people have charisma and energy and life. these are people who I feel honoured to get to know. They have talents and knowledge, that quite often seems to far outweigh their years. This brings me to another point. The riots!
A lot has been written about last weeks events. A lot of it has been written by people who are far brighter and much more clued up than I. Therefore I'm gonna stick to writing about what I know. I feel very strongly that the government and the media want to convince us that the damage was only caused by hooded youths. I would  like to point out that this was clearly not the case. 
It looks to me like it turned into a free for all because of the psychology involved in the situation. People can do this, people sometimes get whatever they can for themselves. People can get greedy, people convince themselves that if others are getting something then they should too, no matter what the consequences, check out Hardins "tragedy of the commons". Then there's the overwhelming feeling of safety that we get when in a crowd - we feel somehow invisible, also known as deindividuation.
I'm not saying that the individuals involved are blameless, far from it we each have a choice in what we do. But the individual young people that I work with every week (in term time :-p ) often seem...lost! to be honest. They're working hard, but what for? as they don't have any hope of a future? their hopes were smashed long ago.  Often, their "family" alternative, are the gangs of other youngsters that they hang around with and so acceptance as part of these friendship groups becomes all consuming. They are so important because everyone else has let them down at some point along the way. So yeah, when their friends start getting stuff that they feel they should get too - because it's each to their own and life sucks a lot of the time - and they can get away with it - they're going to get in there too! 
but what is really saddening me now, is that due to those few stupid moments, a lot of young people are having those final shreds of hope for a future removed. They're not all - the "monsters" we're trying to make out they are. Dehumanising those involved and giving knee - jerk judgements, doesn't equate to justice in my book, and justice is so important.
The Simpsons sum it up for me:-

Lisa: No, you can't hurt Bart! He's... well... he's your son!
Willy: What?!
Lisa: Well, not literally. But, in a way...isn't he everyone's son? For you see that little hellraiser is the spawn of every shriekingcommercial, every brain-rotting soda pop, every teacher who cares less about young minds than about cashing their big, fat paychecks. No, Bart's not to blame. You can't create a monster, and then whine when he stomps on a few buildings! I'm Lisa Simpson.
[Willy sniffles, then drops the fender.]

Willy: You're right. It's all Willy's fault! I've been a terrible father!
I'm going to try to be a good example?! I believe in young people!
kitten out x

Saturday, 23 July 2011

end of an era (again)

well that's it - we sold the motorbike today - (again). Those of you who have known Alex and I for a long time will know that we have been here before. We have bought and sold numerous motorbikes over time. We sold this one because once again, we were challenged by Forge and therefore by God! You see, it was forge that encouraged us to buy it in a way. A series at the forge called God at the movies that looked at Toy Story 3 and encouraged and excited us to live more adventurously - if you look back several months you'll no doubt find me ranting about it! that's where the biking again, began! We have had alot of adventure and excitement and we knew that we'd need to slow it down before the end of the summer in order to free up cash for the next big adventures that life has to bring. So we sold the motorbike today, after a final farewell trip to Aldeburgh for chish and fips on Thursday night! I loved her and I'll miss her. I'll miss the little piece of me that loved having a motorbike. But I'm so excited about what God might have in store for us! she was good to us but the adventures continue, they change, but they never have to stop!
kitten out xx

Sunday, 3 July 2011

I'm getting a bit old for all this!

all what?? I hear you cry! well, we've been having a lovely social time! with adventures and excitement all over the place but I must has made me poorly :-( lol
we have been to the circus, to my parents in Lancashire, to our friends in Bury st Eds for dinner, had a bbq here and went to an evening wedding reception. This amongst all the usual commitments (work, gym, small group etc). I haven't regretted a single moment of it but last weekend my cold started and despite getting a bit better earlier in the week it then returned and, hasn't left! I am very grateful that it's just a cold though!
This week brings a meeting in Debenham - which is very exciting - the gym and some work, though not much, so time to recuperate I think, phew!
still talking to people at church and everywhere else, praying and being loving to all my friends and family and through all of this God is blessing me greatly!
currently reading a book called "The Lord's Prayer" by R.T Kendall - very interesting! lots to think about!
also have been writing on the unofficial forge blog for a few weeks now - under the her corner! I enjoy doing it, but sometimes feel like it needs some fresh blood now! Ah well, we'll see!
watch this space!
kitten out!

Sunday, 19 June 2011

So at the moment my life feels extremely privileged! I have excellent food - excellent drink and I'm busy, but in the best ways possible. My work life is relatively stable and Church life is fabulous, Even my relationship feels solid. It's in this comfort that I find it difficult to keep this blog updated.
 I guess, whilst it's true to say that I am busy, I think that lethargy sets in when I'm comfortable! That's why it's so pertinent that this week at small group/cell or whatever you like to call it - we started looking, at 1 Peter. We talked about suffering and it's significance in shaping a person and how it brings us as Christians closer in our walk with God. At church we have been looking at Mountain moments, but as we have said, before those elusive times there has to be a valley and a climb! So, as a group we discussed how good suffering and persecution actually are for our relationship with our heavenly father.
As such I guess I should be praying for suffering...but I don't know, maybe I'm just a little too lethargic. A little too comfortable. Another part of me feels, it's a bit like he's saying just do the walk - stop running ahead! the suffering actually will come soon enough - I feel a bit like God just can't win with me! When it's comfortable - when everything is fabulous - I wonder why? and wonder if I should be asking for suffering? in order that I have to pull closer and lean more on my heavenly father. However If I was in a dark awful place, I know that I'd be begging him to bring me back to this! Right back here. So I have decided to be content with and grateful for what I have right now. I do still walk alongside my LORD right now and I am doing what he asks of me. Still trying to be gentle, humble and accepting yet ready for adventure and suffering. I am trying to show the kind of generosity and kindness of spirit that would please my heavenly father. I can only do all this - in his will! I can only do this through him! In the words of a great film - "How do you change the world? one Act of Random Kindness at a time". So I guess that's where I'm at - I am joyful, I rejoice in every day that I am given. I love my life right now, I'm excited about the future. Knowing that he is beside me in everything - changes everything!
Can't wait for small group - next week!
kitten out x

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Too much happening to sit down and write...until now anyway!

wow - what a couple of amazing wonderful weeks!
Lets start on the day after I last wrote! baptism, what a truly beautiful day it was too! - I had been feeling really panicky and nervous pretty much all morning but as soon as the service started I felt this calm descend upon me and I just got excited then and couldn't wait! I was quite right too, it was such a lovely feeling and to have so many friends around me too! then when I came out of the water Alex asked me if he should do it!! I was chuffed, of course he should! lol and off he went! so it was a double blessing really! I was grinning from ear to ear! my small group gave me a gorgeous card and prayed over me and even gave me a little present of a copy of  a children's book of the Noah and the Ark story...if my testimony video goes on the website at some point I'll share the link and that will make a lot more sense! such an amazing day, even ended it with a random barbecue!

A week later saw Alex and I heading off on a trip to France. We will have been together for 9 years by next week! I know scary stuff, but we had never been abroad together, so off we went on our French adventure! It was amazing! we started out camping in a little town called Villers Sur Authie, we spent 2 nights here. On the first evening we went to a little beach town called Fort Mahon Plage, it was here I had my first (of many) really good quiche Lorraines - drroooolll . we spent the next day exploring the armistice clearance a few hours away in Compiegne. Which was very fascinating and quite sad in many ways. They have made the outside very beautiful though! Then we moved on to Chartres, with it's beautiful cathedral! this I think is where we relaxed into the French cafe culture a little especially sat in the main square with a drink! we explored the town a little and had a meal just outside a lovely little cafe facing the cathedral. We went back to our hotel for a rest before going out for the night to experience Chartres en Lumiere. If at this point you're going...what?? I recommend you google it. It was however a very beautiful and moving and late night! It got a little scary at the end as walking around a dark city you don't know can be, but being just a little out of your comfort zone increases the adventure. The next morning we explored the cathedral and stained glass museum before moving on to Chinon where we stayed in a hotel for 2 nights. Chinon, another great town with a lot of history - especially surrounding the wine caves and the chateau - both of which we explored and loved. I loved Chinon for it's cheery feel, even on the market - the traders were friendly and seemed pretty easy going. Finally we left Chinon for our final two nights camping in Neufchatel en Bray. This region is particularly known for its cheese and apple products and we spent a little time in farm shops sampling and buying some of the goods. Throughout France we managed to get by quite well with our French but it was here we struggled most when trying to find out what the difference was between certain cheeses and ask for a young one. Thankfully I finally remembered the word young from high school French as we had to describe ourselves several times in French. I still like to think of myself as a jeune fille, but I'll never be a Grande Fromage. However as neither of us could work out how to say "excuse me but your dog keeps trying to attack our car as we leave and may get run over" we had fun trying to leave that place I can tell you! Finally we returned home on Saturday! What an amazing blessing that trip has been though. Just to explore but still feel rested and have been able to slow down and be alone together. The weather was stonking, but you wouldn't know to look at me, a wise man once said (to music) wear sunscreen... so I do!
This week, God and I had some amazing time together at church and beyond. God is doing big things with me at the moment and it's all good (obviously).
We've also had time with Friends and family and I've just noticed tonight that it isn't slowing down, we've got barbecues and meals and trips up north and that isn't even the half of it. Still, it's got to be good to be surrounded by so many important, lovely people, especially when they actually want to spend time with you?!
Still speaking to people from Church,
Still Praying every day,
Still Growing and being challenged in my faith,
Still loving extravagantly and openly!
however also...still awake and writing this at 01:56 in the morning as unable to sleep! grrr. Never mind, not gonna get whingy now - too much to be too happy about and grateful for!
how about you? what's making you happy and grateful? hope theirs loads!
kitten out x

Saturday, 21 May 2011

I'm going for a dunk!

well hello there, it's 2:02 am and I am here up and awake and writing my blog. Tonight's insomnia (not unusual for me personally) may be due to any of a number of factors or even all of them coupled together - here are just a few possibilities:-
1) I am very excited because tomorrow, well really it's today now...I'm getting baptised in the sea at Sizewell. This is nothing short of a bit of a miracle to be honest given that I have a bit of a fear of getting my face under water and a bigger fear of getting anything in my ears. I also didn't decide my self until 4 days ago, so it's been a whirlwind and ever since I have felt quite low at times and quite panicky at others about it all. The devil keeps trying to tell me reasons not to do it - but then that is exactly what he wants so it's exactly the opposite to what I'm going to do :-p
2) I'm also very excited about our adventure to France which starts next Saturday. We're doing like a little mini tour and it's all just beginning to get close now so aaarrrrrggghhh! We looked at some maps etc before bed so there was no way I was going to sleep then! I'm too crazy for my own good?!
3) keep thinking about the future at the moment, it's all just too big to think about really but when I try not to it just gets bigger lol
4) I went shopping today for summer clothes, charity shops of course - what can I say, I loves it I do!
5) I haven't prayed properly about this! - I know it's silly now I'm writing it but my head gets so crazy when I feel unable to sleep, definitely feel like it's a spiritual attack of some sort, after all it's not normal for me not to be able to pray - I usually chatter away to him like nobody's business!, except his business obviously!

I have had a really lovely weekend so far, so who knows - with a bit of sleep it may get even better,
night for now chickens,
kitten out x

Tuesday, 10 May 2011


so recently apart from loads of lovely social life stuff! I have been very busy in the garden. Our veg plot now boasts not only rhubarb but also 3 different rows of potatoes (1st earlies, 2nd earlies and lates), and onions! I have also just planted some butternut squash seeds and have bought 3 tomato plants. ooohhh ahhhhh I know I know. I also managed to revive the mint that I had for about 2 minutes before I practically killed it so fingers crossed it will survive! Another miracle resurrection was the coriander that I am sure I had actually killed! so yaaayy.
Gardening is just so therapeutic and so good for you in so many ways! I sometimes wonder if God is growing me in much the same way as a plant - weeding out all the nasty bits and pulling away the dead and faded parts to give fresh life to the new parts that are blooming!
Exciting stuff happening with my faith at the mo - watch this space!
I've been back at the gym this week - phew it is hard going when you've missed a few weeks?! but 40-45 mins a time is pretty much my limit at the mo. Still it does feel really good to do this for myself! looking forward to increased fitness soon!
for all you regular readers - still praying everyday and still talking to people at church and still loving all my friends and family extremely and overtly!
that's pretty much all I feel the need to share for now ladies, gents etc,
kitten out x

Thursday, 28 April 2011

so many people and places to see, so little time!

well since last I wrote the adventures have continued!!
we had lovely people join us for some dinner last Thursday. I really feel like sharing, food drink and your own home is a great way to get to know new friends. Some more lovely people joined us for dinner on Good Friday. Such a lovely couple too, it was extra exciting because it was good Friday and we shared communion.
Saturday saw a trip to Felixstowe, on the motorbike! this way we had a lovely ride and parked for free!, we sunbathed and paddled - and all this - on a boiling hot - April day! weird huh? we also went to the little ice cream company. I have been threatening to take Alex there for so long, so it was really lovely when Felixstowe was his suggestion for such a bright sunshiney day. Saturday evening we went to Dawny's for a barbecue, with family! Gotta love a family barbecue haven't you? nothing like the smell of burnt offerings to bring everyone a little closer. I spent some time talking about motorbikes with Grandad Jack, really lovely just to spend some time listening to his early experience of motorbikes. He owned his first at the age of 13! uber cool!
Then Easter Sunday at The Forge - not surprisingly, it was entirely amazing and beautiful. Including a lovely version of "count me in" by Leeland I'm told and a wonderful video by Rob Bell:

we also finally managed to drop in our contribution to the foodbank. Then back home and we pottered around getting ready for the arrival of our friends from Yorkshire. They stayed from Monday evening till about an hour or so ago.
We had a barbecue on Monday night, with Henry and Cari as well - yum yum, it was a beautiful evening!  so friendly and relaxed, I'm always so grateful that I have such good people around me, people that I truly can be myself around.
Tuesday, we went for a lovely ride on our motorbikes, we took the scenic route to Aldeburgh (another place I've been nagging Alex to go with me for aaaaages). We had fish and chips on the sea front, although poor Sarah dropped a lot of her fish, so the seagulls got some too. Then we went around the town a little. It was sad to see so many of the lovely little shops I used to enjoy browsing, are no more! They are ex shops. sad, but it was a really lovely ride. We got home and - tiredly watched back to back episodes of Spaced. comic genius!
Yesterday I had to go back to work :-( but it was only for a day yay! not back in till Next week now. Thank you William and Kate. Last night we went to our local pub for an evening of good food, good drink and bad pool! lol and finally back home for some dancing with just dance on the wii!
Also at some point in the last couple of weeks I managed to get some gardening in, so we now have onions in our patch! WoOp wOoP!
time for chilling out now though! Phew!
kitten out x

Monday, 18 April 2011

I'm entirely exhausted...

...that's pretty much all I felt like writing when I started to be honest, but really I do have lots to share!
This week saw a trip here from my lovely Lancashire parents. They actually brought their campervan, and stayed at night times in that on our driveway due to a slight lack of bedroom space here! lol. I really had a lovely time with them. Just so nice to share my part of the world with them. I do love them very much and despite how we usually live different lives, make different choices etc, it was good to have quality time together visiting places and people and playing Cluedo. I am absolutely exhausted though! I really am so tired. We visited Baylham rare breeds and then Stowmarket (for charity shops) on Friday. Then we went to the pub Friday night and home again in time for Cluedo. We went to a community cafe in Wyverstone on Saturday and met up with Alex's dad and his wife, Nick and Helen. Then we did loads of gardening and wood chopping etc in the afternoon, we had a barbecue for dinner and sat round it - keeping warm till some crazy time!. Yesterday morning Alex and I went to church, Vive la Revolution! It was - very cool! I love Forge, very excited about Easter service and it was so lovely to catch up with some of the ladies I missed at ladies small group when it was cancelled on Wednesday. Then we all went to Dawny's for lunch and very yum it was too. Then we popped in to see G'ma Pat and G'dad Jack on the way home. They are always just so lovely and relaxing to be around. Their home has that something special about it that just makes you smile inside. Back home and we cooked dinner then had pudding and time for Cluedo again. Mum won this time! (know one won the first night lol - we all lost! ha ha) We watched some telly last night and finally this morn I got up at 8. They left about 11ish - phew - yeah - tired! ha!
Got some lovely peeps coming over for dinner on Thursday and hopefully our best Northern friends are coming over for a few days next week! eek! it'll be great to catch up with them as it's just been too long. Alex has 11 days off starting Friday so all being well it's gonna be Faboolus!
Hope your world is rocking,
kitten (definitely over and out!) x

Sunday, 10 April 2011

it was a mini adventure...

This weekend we went to Sunny Lincolnshire on our motorbike. We camped for two nights at a lovely camp site  in Boston. We were in front of the fishing lake, it was so beautiful and the weather was just so amazing. The journey there, on Friday evening, was mostly very smooth, we have a little microphone link up so it was really lovely to be able to chat a little bit about the views around us. it took about 3 hours, so by the time we got there it was actually very very dark and extremely cold. So we got the tent up, I say we...I was a little useless but still.. it only took Alex about 20 mins and we got in the porchy bit and had supper, chilli and rice cooked on the camping stove and a cup of tea, blooming yum! Then it was off to bed - an air bed with sleeping bag. Here-in lies another tale. It was extremely cold! shuddering, teeth chatteringly cold! Also this was about the precise time when the fish decided to have a belly flopping competition in the lake, the local dogs all decided to bark and howl messages at one another - we were near two kennels it would appear. The owls also came out and not many hours later a cat joined in just for fun. So a sleepless night later I wasn't overly happy about the noisy, albeit beautiful dawn chorus! Still we went for a trek in the sun for some stuff to cook for breakfast and I soon cheered up - we decided to laze around on site all day. It was absolutely beautiful at the site, so why go elsewhere? Also this was genuinely the first time in a long time that we were forced to spend any real amount of time together just the 2 of us with no telly. Actually really amazing! Also we snoozed as - the sun had of course warmed everything up! so relaxed - I don't remember being so chilled in a heck of a long time. So anyhoo - night time came and we sat round a fire pit for a good while we had dinner, smash and a tin of beef in gravy (much nicer than it sounds) But in the mean time the temperature had once again dropped down very very low. We did all the usual getting ready for bed stuff and got in bed. only to almost instantly need the loo and start shivering. Off we went again. Now I want to ask you a question, dear friends, what do you wear in bed? I ask this because, last night I socks, my pyjama trousers and pyjama pants, my jeans, my jumper and a cardigan and my neck buff. I was snuggled next to Alex under our sleeping bag. We created a hot water bottle with an old squash bottle and I was still freezing beyond belief and yet..I lay there just keep going over in my mind, saying..."imagine being homeless" and "there are people out there who don't have a tent, four layers of clothes and an air bed. They don't even have the means to create a hot(ish) waster bottle. They probably don't have a husband to cuddle, and they almost certainly won't have had a hot dinner and cup of tea before bed. Imagine if the dogs barking out there, were actually sniffing all over me? Imagine if whatever that I just heard rustling the bag outside, was actually up in my face? Imagine if that siren was bringing a policeman who would once again move me on? These people don't just sleep outside in April, they sleep out here at all times of year including snow and Ice!" I spent the whole night knowing that this morning I would get up and have a lovely breakfast and that today I was coming home to a warm cottage and a big warm comfy bed. Many homeless people, must have little or no hope of this? I just spent the whole night wondering about all these poor people. I don't know how much if anything I can really do to help? But I think I'm going to have to do something, because cold like that is a killer, in every sense of the word. A killer of spirit, good humour, physical health and people.
The rest of the weekend continued in it's fabulous way. We went to Skegness this morning and loved every minute of it. We used to go there with my parents on hols when we were younger and we weren't disappointed. The light was all over the sea, turning it into a tin foil dream. It was difficult to drag ourselves away, having had such a peaceful, beautiful weekend. But home we came.
Unfortunately we have decided that France on the motorbike really is pushing our poor bodies a bit too far. Therefore, we are currently looking into possibly taking th car, still adventuring around France and camping here and there but just in the car instead...hmm, well we'll see. It's our Easter hols for 2 weeks now so I'll still be wonderfully busy, but will try and keep this up to date!
kitten out x

Sunday, 3 April 2011

mother's day roasts and revolution!!

well it was mother's day today and church this morning,
our church is made up of many people, we meet on a Sunday. But our church is made up of people who want to change the world for the better . Our church is turning itself inside out! - vive la revolucion!
This aft we  made a roast dinner for my mum in law (and good friend) Dawny and Alex's Grandma Pat, bro in law and Grandad in law rounded us up to an even and lovely 6. We made lemon roast chicken, rosemary roast lamb, roast potatoes, peas and carrots, honey roast carrots and parsnips, gravy and Yorkshire puddings. We also did some sponge pudding and rhubarb crumble but alas as they were shop bought I feel them less worthy to mention. Frankly - I'm stuffed! - but still it was just really good - I felt like Alex and I were such a good team and with help from Henry at the end, Dinner was properly yum - even though I do say so myself! Lovely feeling isn't it - when you pull off something like that, that you can share with people? yay!
yesterday - we put potatoes in the veg patch, went out on the bike and visited Nick and Helen, father in law and his wife. Later on we visited some new friends, and got really comfortable on their sofas! a bit too comfortable possibly! stayed for hours - oops! still that was lovely to catch up with them and just spend a bit of time chatting and chilling! I can't believe this weekend is over already though. where did it go?
Next weekend we're going camping in Lincolnshire, on the motorbike - part of adventure year which is very very exciting!! The weekend after that my parents are coming down to visit and the weekend after that we're off to France on the bike, all being well. So I hardly feel like there's time to catch my breath at the moment, at least it is all just excellent stuff though.
hoping and praying that you have had a lovely exciting weekend too?
kitten out xx

Saturday, 26 March 2011

oop north - again!

yes that's right we're here again, back in the north!
it has been a generally brill week to be honest! lots going on, socially and just life wise really.
there's nothing like my family to make you relax and then simultaneously turn me into a child and make me want to pull my hair out! I guess it's a relaxed kind of stress, where the roles that you managed to escape from years earlier return to haunt you and you realise how differently you live now to then! Off out for a family meal tonight, have already decided what I'm having - Steak - in fact, sis and I reckon it's time to change the day previously known as Saturday to Steakerday!
Last night I went to the gym again - it was really good! but oddly my muscles are not aching today like they were on Tuesday, maybe I'm not pushing myself hard enough!
My spiritual life however is currently flourishing, aided by my small groups through The Forge - which totally rocks. This week we spent time together looking at God's promises to us and how they answered our prayers and worries and needs. Personally this was just amazing and already my prayers are being answered I can't really say any more at the mo about that but in a few months or so all should become clear. In the meantime the promises go with me in my bag at the moment! which means I am also reading more of the bible.

For regular readers, last weekend continued to be great, including the BBQ, with trampoline - shame about the rugby scores :-( The Sunday roast was gorgeous, why don't I ever make Yorkshire puds when it's just Alex and I? - definitely something to work on!

We loved having Sheila over the other Tuesday - we had a very relaxed evening and I really think she enjoyed it! - I do really love having people over at our house, love to try and make people feel happy and relaxed and at home and to share food and drink with them! it is such a rewarding, relationship building thing to do!

Another one of my blogs on the forge website at the mo - about prayer..check it out if you fancy it:

big love,
kitten out xx

Saturday, 19 March 2011

How wonderful life is...

Yes I know that's a really cheesy title, and I just hope that it doesn't put you off your Saturday brunch or anything?
I'm just so loving this weekend!
Last night - we stayed up till about one and watched comic relief! It was really moving and of course we donated what we could. I particularly enjoyed seeing what they could achieve with the money we gave! I also made bread last night! Unfortunately the bread came out in really wierd shapes, they were meant to be a flat bread of sorts but the shapes are so odd - we are now calling them bread lumps! lol, still it's quite tasty lumps!
The Friday night drink of choice was a bottle of Crabbies, yum!
This morning I had a lovely lie in, just as I was coming round, the phone went and it was (Aunty) Liz, inviting us over to there's for the afternoon. We have actually already been invited out for a barbecue and to watch the rugby this afternoon, so instead she offered for us to go to there's for a roast beef dinner tomorrow- WoOp wOoP! erm - yes please!
I came downstairs to a beautiful sunshiney day. The birds are singing, the sun is out and the world is just stunningly beautiful. I particularly enjoyed watching the robins (yes two of them!) flying around our tree this morning. Alex then made us breakfast of pancakes!!! YUM! With real coffee - DOUBLE YUM!
Alex has now gone off to try his hand at a bit of shooting this morning, he is returning later to pick me up for the barbeque and rugby! The weather so far has remained dry and sunny, despite the chill.
I now sit on our decking, staring out over the sun drenched fields, listening to the birds in the tree - above my head and thanking God for all the splendour that surrounds me!
I am really looking forward to everything that this weekend still has to offer- church and a roast dinner tomorrow and maybe even a touch of gardening. A lovely barbeque with some new friends this afternoon what an amzing beautiful world!
Still praying for all those in Japan, and about to spend some time reading my bible. What amazing news about Red Nose Day! I love that I live in a country with so many generous souls.
This week one of my mini blog writings went on the forge website...
hope you like it?
all the best my lovelies,
Kitten out x

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

buzzy buzzy very very buzzy!

Well yes - that's what I have been - both busy and buzzy!
The busyness itself is brilliant - until I hit exhaustion and then I become entirely grumpy! The gentleness was wearing out a little last week am afraid! still - not for long and it's not something that can't be resolved by getting enough sleep!
Half term was generally brilliant - as expected!
We went to see the northern contingent for a weekend and shared Tapas and wine and rugby! it was faboolus! My sis is a brill cook!
I had lunch with work friends at pizza express , yum yum, yum yum yum etc and I spent time with another close friend here at home, I was pretty down for a couple of days but it was so good to just be able to call on my friend and know that she would come right over and just listen and chat and watch films with me! Friendship is such an amazing blessing!
Then I got an extra day at work each week for the next 5 weeks or so! I can't complain about that right....hmmm...or can I!?
So last week began and it was back to work after 2 weeks off - can't pretend I was looking forward to it - but hey once more into the fray dear friends, yet, I was pleasantly surprised actually.
Tuesday,  I requested that we went for a quick run on the bike. It was Shrove Tuesday and I didn't have any eggs in, and Alex and I have given up take aways for lent so, as our last one, Alex suggested we pop down to Southwold, on the bike, for fish and chips! Very lovely it was too. We did however, go slightly a little bit wrong on the way there - ended up getting there too late for fish and chips so had to go to a pub (oh dear what a shame ey? ;-) ) still though - this meant we were very late home! oopsy!
Wednesday night, I started at the ladies small group (I'm going to leave it to you to guess which group Alex was at then!) It was a really lovely evening with new friends, great food and a brilliant chance to learn together! However I have to say it went on way past my bed time! I was out till 11:30 and with the new department the next day, the first week back at work and the first 4 day week in a long time - I was a very unhappy bunny come the end of Thursday. Cue lots of prayers and asking for forgiveness. I'm going again on Wednesday but hoping to be home a bit sooner to avoid some of the general spikyness!
Friday was utterly amazing though. Work was lovely and calm and I finished the day with an induction into the gym. It's free to members of staff, I have only promised myself to go once a week but I might be tempted to go twice at this rate!
Saturday was Alex's birthday - I got up and made him breakfast; bacon, croissants, honey, butter, pain au chocolat, asti, coffee - all very yum! Then we got up and went clay shooting with friends and family. It rocked - I had a go and hit a clay first time (note I'm not gonna go on about all the times I tried after that and didn't get any more)
Then we went to see Grandma Kay, and aunty Becky and Liz who were staying with her! Aunty Tricia and Becky. The flat was full,  it was really lovely! Then off to a meal out - oohhh yeah! wow I love Alex's birthdays!!
Sunday - got up and ran Alex an unbirthday bath! Then Forge - totally rocked my socks off! Then off to lunch at Dawny's - yum yum yum! Back to Grandma Kay's, who had forgotten we'd seen her the day before but not to worry - she's still as cheery as ever! Prayers for Grandma Pat who is poorly! back home to tidy and back at work yesterday.
Today started with physio - this morning and will end with Sheila from Forge coming over for supper! I'm doing chilli - I've been looking into spiritual gifts and it would appear that one of mine is hospitality!! well probably best to check that one out with Sheila tonight!! lol
Still praying every day, did talk to people at church on Sunday and still working on the adventures yet to come! Phew!
sorry if this has bored you but just thought I'd catch you all up at once! Finally a few song recommendations -
"king of wonders" by Matt Redman
"King of my Heart" by Barbara J Hunt
have a blessed week,
kitten out x

Monday, 21 February 2011

You're beautiful, yes you are!!

so was this weekend!
well firstly the weekend starts on a Friday so -  Friday at work, was a genuinely calm happy day. Even last lesson which is normally a headache, brought a smile to my face! hmm possibly something to do with breaking up for half term?!
Friday night we had Alex's dad and his wife over for tea (dinner - if you're down south). I cooked a beef in ale casserole with dumplings!! yum!! - it was a really chilled out relaxed evening and I so do enjoy sharing my food, house and company with others, empty plates too so the food went down well.
Saturday - a lie in!! and a lot of rain and drizzle, it was very cold outside! but - I got up, chilled out for a while and then made my man breakfast in bed, egg, bacon and bread with a cuppa. I then, despite protest gradually shoved him out of bed and cajoled him into agreeing to do some gardening with me!! yes - in the cold and the rain!! - yes it was muddy but it felt so good to start preparing the garden for the exciting years ahead. We cleared up and tidied around a bit and we hoed around the bulbs that are starting to come up on the banking, we then set up a patch ready for some veggies to go in - eeekkkk! It was so positive - despite the mud.
We then came in and had a rest in front of the telly - then I got bored! lol - so we put on a French CD - to learn from. They are some that came free with a newspaper, we have borrowed them from family!
The first CD was a good reminder of G.C.S.E French, we have been chattering away to each other in French at every given chance - ever since! C'est Tres Bien!
Finally Qourn Tortilla wraps for dinner/tea - yum yum! and off to bed.
Sunday morning, slept in too long for the early service so it was off to the second service and to meet up with Sheila. We managed to catch up with her before the service and start the discussion regarding serving and small groups (watch this space) interestingly this theme continued into the service!
What a service it was too - we started out hearing about the creation story and we heard this amazing song. I don't think I have ever heard it before, I was moved to tears - but soon stopped as I was afraid of losing my contact lenses ha ha.
Later on we sang the song too it's called you're beautiful! - this isn't us btw!

Whenever I have really had doubt in my faith, if one thing has reassured me repeatedly of God's existence and his love for us - it has been my surroundings. The fact that I find a view, a tree, even nature itself beautiful and breathtaking tells me about God. Why would I find these so fascinating if I hadn't been created in such a way that they mean something to me other than just a resource for me to use? I don't see any evidence of any other animals, highly evolved or otherwise just enjoying a view! That's what this part of the service spoke to me about!
The rest of the service was about growing our faith and what that might look like - once again very exciting!!

After church, back home - a bit more gardening - no rain today but extreme mud! ha ha! then I suggested a date and a visit to Alex's 90 year old grandma. We visited grandma Kay on the way to the cinema. She is so lovely, a little forgetful but still seems full of spirit and what more can anyone ask of a 90 year old! Then we went to see Paul - yes I recommend seeing this - it's gentle(ish), but funny - I only wish I hadn't seen so much of the film in clips and trailers before hand!A brill film!
Then finally off to Giraffe for a meal. A full date, what can I say? I am just the luckiest lady in the world - I'm sure. I had a jungle chicken curry with butternut squash and Alex had a lamb falafel burger, both of which were very very yummy!! drool! - also briefly discussed tattoos with lovely waitress!
On the way home we dropped into Alex's younger brother to pick up something and he surprised us by having some of his beautiful photos ready printed!! we were due to order them off him but hadn't done so yet - so yaaaayyyy
So here I am - it's half term and there's plenty of fun to look forward to!!
I am very tired but very happy and excited, tomorrow I've got Alex's young cousin over for the day- could be fun!  Dentist on Thursday - bleugh - help!!! Off up North on Friday night, for tapas fun!! yaaayyyy
lets speak soon - you beautiful people!
kitten out x

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

am I to fast? or am I too fast?

well today the Forge church is having a day of healing prayer. We have been asked as a congregation to fast and pray for the healing of four of our church family members. I'm doing it!
yes me! I am normally entirely obsessed by food! I live from one meal to the next, but in order to show God how important this is to me - I am fasting. I have promised myself to go without food until dinner tonight, by which time it will be dark so the plan is really a daylight fast for me personally. every time my tummy rumbles or I get a pang - I just pick up the info we were given in church on Sunday and I pray for one of the four members.

Yesterday was amazing, I can't talk too much about the amazing food last night!! drooollll. But I can tell you it was entirely schlubbly bub. We watched a film called P.S I love you and I cried and cried. It was interesting how in the film the female lead seems to show remorse for being so quick to anger. I had to ask Alex if he thought I needed to work on this!! he said no!! But still, I wonder if maybe I need to react more slowly to some of what life throws our way. I can be a panicker, for those who don't know me - and this can lead to me being a grumpy shouty kind of a person! Still - on the whole I think the gentler person thing, has meant that I am also a happier person and I hope that this is what people see in me.
I have for a little while, been researching my family history, using the free information on - I have now got 189 members of my family. The information isn't perfect, it isn't all complete but it's looking vaguely family tree shaped and it's all very exciting. I can't help wondering if people will be looking up me on there in a hundred or so years?? I wonder what they'll find??
Just working out some stuff for the rest of this year at the moment, there's a lot going on - as usual - adventures, p.g.c.e's and family trips (tapas included ;-) )
hope all is well in your world,
kitten out x

Sunday, 13 February 2011

love is in the air...

...everywhere I look around. No really though! O.K so valentines day is a commercial thing right! I get it! but isn't it just lovely to have an excuse to pay attention to your other half? Romance is such a varied thing as well. I was thinking through some previous valentines my other half and I have shared and they have ranged from - a budget limit on gifts to one another - home made cards and soft toys - posh meals - wedding planning and this year decorating our bedroom as our gift to one another, it looks beautiful by the way. Who said romance is dead? Is it not just about recognising what your partner most needs and wants and spending a little time together to make that happen? I just can't stop grinning at the moment!

As you may have noticed or already known, Alex and I are members of a local church called The Forge Community Church. At the moment in particular the church is a very exciting place to be, we have realised it's time to spend more of our time and energy for the church, otherwise known as serving and so we are currently trying to figure out - with God - how best we can do this. I personally know that I love to write, don't know how useful this may be but a little something is already on it's way in March. I also believe that I am quite a sociable person so who knows? maybe I can be of some help??!

Work has been pretty good this week - I have found myself getting in a little early in order to spend more time preparing for lessons, this has been so helpful - why hadn't I thought of this before?? I'm still trying to be gentle and remembering about being positive - some times the stress comes back but it doesn't appear to have such a hold at the moment!

We have been talking a lot about our adventures this week!! this year being adventure year, including using the motorbike to go camping in France!! Our passports came through this week!! yay!
Friday night we had a friend over, we were talking about the adventure of having a family!! eeekkkk!
Yesterday was a randomly busy day but today has focussed on the forge and relaxing and eating leftover lasagne - lol! we're off for a walk with Grandma's dog this aft, hopefully burn off a few calories!!
Tomorrow we're staying in with a lovely roast dinner and eye staring moments! lol
hope that you're feeling the love too?
all the best,
kitten xx

Saturday, 5 February 2011

social life success!

well, as the title suggests, we finally seem to have a full social life (just a shame we can't see all our friends in one week).
It has been a truly fantastic weekend for our social life. Starting with Friday night! which found me at a new and very good friend's house watching an old film with someone I would now like to regard as a friend. A lovely night, with a very warm and fun and funny atmosphere. I really feel accepted by my new church friends and hope that they know how appreciative I am of them and their company!. A text arrived at my phone (for my friend!) which acted as a warm and gentle reminder of how lucky I am to be married!
today was originally going to be a girly pamper day with my good friend and mother in law Dawn, this rapidly changed into a day of helping a family member with a house related problem!
still though - we all rolled up our sleeves and got stuck in, it was great to feel useful! I only wish we could do more :-(
Tonight was an annual quiz held at the local village hall - we were a little anxious as we are only just gently stepping into village life and had no idea what to expect. On top of which - we genuinely felt we might be entirely useless! but it was great! we had such a laugh and met some lovely people - I at least remember the names of everyone on our table! - which is a start!! the questions were pitched just right and there was a brilliant buzz about the room- once again I got to spend time with our lovely local vicar who made us so welcome and relaxed, I loved it!
 Tomorrow - it's off to the forge in the morning - v v excited about it! all about vision ---- ooohh yay!!
the a friend is coming over for coffee in the afternoon!! - we were gonna have lovely father in law and his lovely wife over for lunch but - we're totally exhausted and having not slept that well this week nor shopped properly we have postponed! still - so excited about seeing my friend!
for those who are interested in the results of the o f s t e d - visit - you'll have to wait :-p
the results are top secret until they are published - but I'll let you know asap!
prayed every single day and talked to ppl at church!!! yay!!
This week Alex has started decorating our bedroom - in spite of continued stress - this week has been an utter success - I am loving life tonight - so many blessings to be grateful for! ( including my wonderful husband who bought me an i-pod!!)
speak soon yeah?
kitten out xx

Thursday, 27 January 2011

stress - more contagious than the flu!

yes it's true - I've caught it again!
grrrowwwwl. This last few weeks at work have basically been a bit of a mare for most staff because it's that time   when hmi visit my work, that's right... (pause with dramatic music!) o f s t e d! (coded -incase they search routinely!!)
This has led to widespread panic and mass exodus from the vicinty - ok maybe not quite that dramatic but blimey the stress is just so apparent. It is literally weighing down on everyone, it's that whole elephant in the room thing. At the end of the day, though my main concern is that in an attempt to get a good grade those at the top appear to be mistreating some of those lower down the chain of command, at the very least they aren't feeling as supported at this crucial time as I (and they)think they need to be and I fear this kind of damage is the stuff that stays, even after the inspectors have left!
The stress is truly catching though, I'm not a teacher or a manager, I'm not directly in the line of fire and although I may well be observed I know I do my job to the best of my ability all the time and as such don't feel particularly worried for myself. And yet... I am sooo stressed out. I am literally writing this and dreading going in tomorrow! every little thing feels huge and sadly I am bringing this home. I am still desperately grasping on to staying gentle and acting out of love. I am still praying anger is growing, anger for my friends who work soo very hard and yet this week are getting ill and collapsing in tears, anger for the students who...usually get such a positive atmosphere and yet that is falling apart - and for what???
I mean really what??
The college isn't failing?!! the success rates have only gone up! the teaching on the whole is still well praised by the students I come into contact with - I have seen brilliant practice in my time there and have literally been inspired to change my career as a result of the inspiring instructing of some of my friends! (you know who you are?) In a time when the threat of unemployment is constant, why - put all this extra work and stress on the teachers and lsws that already work so hard, and why do it in such a demotivating way? The memory of being put through this by smt, will last I fear - for a long time, how damaging??
on the plus side - I'm getting an I-POD?!! ooh get me, all 21st century ey??!! thank you hubby :-D
off to bed - to prepare via sleep!
good night all!
kitten out x

Thursday, 20 January 2011

my guilty secret...

well it's been going on for over a year now, I've been... watching shameless. I don't admit this to everyone, it's not a very friendly program - it's explicit and violent and raw. But in all that grit, in all that filth there are the occasional glimpses of humanity! the characters are truly 3 dimensional. They are believable. I might not much like their reality, the beliefs that they live their life by, but the characters are real - the acting is brilliant and the writing keeps you on the edge the whole episode! so there we are, it's out my guilty secret - I am ashamed to admit that I love watching shameless!
In other news, I am back at work now - mostly better, the cough persists occasionally although the sore throat is less common, just can't have much dairy at the moment! The headache returns sometimes too but paracetamol sees to that, Alex was off work for two days though went back today! he isn't 100% yet but well enough, which is a start I suppose. I have a referral for hosp appt on the 27th of this month so throat could all be sorted by end of the month!
 The other day I attempted to make bread - normally I have to say - not too bad at that, genuinely - I can say with my head held high that I can do bread, I'm not good at everything, but bread - yep I got that one down! But not this time, in my defence the yeast was much older than it should have been and in an open packet. So yesterday Alex, using fresh yeast and a new recipe - tried again - but his was only vaguely better! is this a loaf shaped curse on our house? or are we simply out of practise? only time will tell - in the meantime the birds have a full supply of chewy hard bread to noch through!
hope you are all well and happy!
kitten out x
praying every day still going ok - not 100% of the time but almost!!

Saturday, 15 January 2011

Bleugh - Flu!

So last Sunday night - just before bed, my throat started really hurting, by Monday morning I couldn't really speak and it even hurt when inhaling! So had to call in sick, as some of you may know this means I don't get paid anything! so doubly bad! Anyhoo, hoping it would fix itself I just snuggled down on the sofa and rested! By Wednesday it had turned into a cough, though still sore throat - I had to go to hospital about a cyst in my throat on Thursday anyway but he explained he couldn't feel one there anyway! so I've been referred for a scan, just to be sure - but he didn't think my sore throat was related. I was feeling a bit brighter though so back home and more rest, was willing to go to work on Friday morning - only to throw up at the end of a particularly bad coughing fit! Had a phone appointment with Doc and he said - oh, it's flu, can't give you anything unless you've had it for 2 weeks, so just rest - keep an eye on temperature etc. So here I am! stuck in! The Ducati is finally up and working, ready for adventures and I'm the one who is stuck indoors and broken and still not making any money - a whole weeks wages down the pan!! grrrrr - I am not good at being ill, in case you hadn't guessed??
ok so...brighter side - we had a meal with our friend matt a week ago on Friday, it was really lovely, he's just so accepting and warm and friendly, and he has a kitten called..wait for it..Maddy! (really) very beautiful little cat and lovely food!
Church is still rocking att he moment, can't get enough - it's all about family life at the mo - didn't think it would be very relevant given our childless situation but it did make the whole, family thing seem somehow less terrifying to me! It was a reminder that I wouldn't e alone in it all because I would have Alex, who can be a great leader and God would be with us all! Makes it all a lot less scary! Then again - watched one born every minute on Monday and it isn't half scary!!
Sometimes, I take for granted, everything that I have already - because we are constantly striving for the next step, so today I stood on the back step for a while and just stared across the fields and smiled at the beauty there is in the world, the flu cloud must be lifting!!
kitten out xx

Sunday, 9 January 2011

so a new year and a few changes are afoot but not many!

well it was a hectic lovely wild Christmas and new year, we spent time with lovely amazing people who matter the most to us! we played games, ate, drank, slept and travelled. We laughed, ate a bit more, drank a bit more and sang and danced!
Christmas and New year was amazing and now it's time to move on, my promises for this new year are:-

  1. pray every single day
  2. I'm going to adventure more
  3. I'm going to take time to hug and love the people who matter to me!
  4. I'm going to talk to people at church
so far, so good! and the overall picture,
live more, adventure more, love harder and pray every single day!!

so there we are - I have shared, please feel free to ask me how it's all going throughout the year! x
Hope all you and yours are well and joyously happy,
maybe we should catch up soon?
kitten - out! xx