Tuesday, 15 February 2011

am I to fast? or am I too fast?

well today the Forge church is having a day of healing prayer. We have been asked as a congregation to fast and pray for the healing of four of our church family members. I'm doing it!
yes me! I am normally entirely obsessed by food! I live from one meal to the next, but in order to show God how important this is to me - I am fasting. I have promised myself to go without food until dinner tonight, by which time it will be dark so the plan is really a daylight fast for me personally. every time my tummy rumbles or I get a pang - I just pick up the info we were given in church on Sunday and I pray for one of the four members.

Yesterday was amazing, I can't talk too much about the amazing food last night!! drooollll. But I can tell you it was entirely schlubbly bub. We watched a film called P.S I love you and I cried and cried. It was interesting how in the film the female lead seems to show remorse for being so quick to anger. I had to ask Alex if he thought I needed to work on this!! he said no!! But still, I wonder if maybe I need to react more slowly to some of what life throws our way. I can be a panicker, for those who don't know me - and this can lead to me being a grumpy shouty kind of a person! Still - on the whole I think the gentler person thing, has meant that I am also a happier person and I hope that this is what people see in me.
I have for a little while, been researching my family history, using the free information on ancestry.co.uk - I have now got 189 members of my family. The information isn't perfect, it isn't all complete but it's looking vaguely family tree shaped and it's all very exciting. I can't help wondering if people will be looking up me on there in a hundred or so years?? I wonder what they'll find??
Just working out some stuff for the rest of this year at the moment, there's a lot going on - as usual - adventures, p.g.c.e's and family trips (tapas included ;-) )
hope all is well in your world,
kitten out x

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