Saturday, 19 March 2011

How wonderful life is...

Yes I know that's a really cheesy title, and I just hope that it doesn't put you off your Saturday brunch or anything?
I'm just so loving this weekend!
Last night - we stayed up till about one and watched comic relief! It was really moving and of course we donated what we could. I particularly enjoyed seeing what they could achieve with the money we gave! I also made bread last night! Unfortunately the bread came out in really wierd shapes, they were meant to be a flat bread of sorts but the shapes are so odd - we are now calling them bread lumps! lol, still it's quite tasty lumps!
The Friday night drink of choice was a bottle of Crabbies, yum!
This morning I had a lovely lie in, just as I was coming round, the phone went and it was (Aunty) Liz, inviting us over to there's for the afternoon. We have actually already been invited out for a barbecue and to watch the rugby this afternoon, so instead she offered for us to go to there's for a roast beef dinner tomorrow- WoOp wOoP! erm - yes please!
I came downstairs to a beautiful sunshiney day. The birds are singing, the sun is out and the world is just stunningly beautiful. I particularly enjoyed watching the robins (yes two of them!) flying around our tree this morning. Alex then made us breakfast of pancakes!!! YUM! With real coffee - DOUBLE YUM!
Alex has now gone off to try his hand at a bit of shooting this morning, he is returning later to pick me up for the barbeque and rugby! The weather so far has remained dry and sunny, despite the chill.
I now sit on our decking, staring out over the sun drenched fields, listening to the birds in the tree - above my head and thanking God for all the splendour that surrounds me!
I am really looking forward to everything that this weekend still has to offer- church and a roast dinner tomorrow and maybe even a touch of gardening. A lovely barbeque with some new friends this afternoon what an amzing beautiful world!
Still praying for all those in Japan, and about to spend some time reading my bible. What amazing news about Red Nose Day! I love that I live in a country with so many generous souls.
This week one of my mini blog writings went on the forge website...
hope you like it?
all the best my lovelies,
Kitten out x

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