I know it's been a while since I last wrote, I've been busy socialising and the my forge blog has taken off.
I'm so lucky to have the job I have for many many reasons.
1) I love it! few can say that!
2) Summer hols, yeah I know there's a few of you probably groaning out there but, I really do try and use this time to catch up on those little jobs that I've been putting off, and more importantly to catch up with people and build on my friendships with others! So important!
3) I am so privileged because I get to work with young people. These people have charisma and energy and life. these are people who I feel honoured to get to know. They have talents and knowledge, that quite often seems to far outweigh their years. This brings me to another point. The riots!
A lot has been written about last weeks events. A lot of it has been written by people who are far brighter and much more clued up than I. Therefore I'm gonna stick to writing about what I know. I feel very strongly that the government and the media want to convince us that the damage was only caused by hooded youths. I would like to point out that this was clearly not the case.
It looks to me like it turned into a free for all because of the psychology involved in the situation. People can do this, people sometimes get whatever they can for themselves. People can get greedy, people convince themselves that if others are getting something then they should too, no matter what the consequences, check out Hardins "tragedy of the commons". Then there's the overwhelming feeling of safety that we get when in a crowd - we feel somehow invisible, also known as deindividuation.
I'm not saying that the individuals involved are blameless, far from it we each have a choice in what we do. But the individual young people that I work with every week (in term time :-p ) often seem...lost! to be honest. They're working hard, but what for? as they don't have any hope of a future? their hopes were smashed long ago. Often, their "family" alternative, are the gangs of other youngsters that they hang around with and so acceptance as part of these friendship groups becomes all consuming. They are so important because everyone else has let them down at some point along the way. So yeah, when their friends start getting stuff that they feel they should get too - because it's each to their own and life sucks a lot of the time - and they can get away with it - they're going to get in there too!
but what is really saddening me now, is that due to those few stupid moments, a lot of young people are having those final shreds of hope for a future removed. They're not all - the "monsters" we're trying to make out they are. Dehumanising those involved and giving knee - jerk judgements, doesn't equate to justice in my book, and justice is so important.
The Simpsons sum it up for me:-
Lisa: No, you can't hurt Bart! He's... well... he's your son!Willy: What?!Lisa: Well, not literally. But, in a way...isn't he everyone's son? For you see that little hellraiser is the spawn of every shriekingcommercial, every brain-rotting soda pop, every teacher who cares less about young minds than about cashing their big, fat paychecks. No, Bart's not to blame. You can't create a monster, and then whine when he stomps on a few buildings! I'm Lisa Simpson.
[Willy sniffles, then drops the fender.]
Willy: You're right. It's all Willy's fault! I've been a terrible father!
I'm going to try to be a good example?! I believe in young people!
kitten out x
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