Sunday 24 October 2010

What a day - ups and downs and roundabouts!

well it's been a day of dizzy highs and bad time lows :-(
High Point - better nights sleep than one before and a lie in!
Low Point - watched some of X Factor, felt dirty!
High Point - lovely walk with sis and hubby, round Worden park
Low point - stupid arguments with lovely hubby
High point - roast chicken dinner (and lovely wine)
Low point - eating too much of said lovely dinner
High Point - getting recipe for stuffing off dad for Christmas dinner
Low Point - Having to pack up and leave mum and dad's - I do miss 'em!
High Point - meeting Sarah for a drink on the way Home!
Low point - missing Louis on same trip :-(
High Point - realising not long till my birthday or Christmas!!
Low point - sad making misunderstanding on the way home
High point - home to see Tiger, kiss and make up and it's bed time now!

kitten out x


  1. Oh dear
    no more arguments or misunderstandings!
    unless its about being a size 8 then give him a slap for me

  2. hmmm, well we're ok again for now! x
