well, today has been a sad - yet hardly surprising reminder of how it only takes one sad, greedy individual to negatively effect others in the family and to remind me how difficult I find it to stay out of others business. It's always hard to see those you care about getting hurt but I'm torn between trying to help, remember it's not my place to stick my oar in and trying to be a good Christian and forgive the individual in question but - as I said to my sis tonight "grrr - it's so difficult to be forgiving to someone when they're not sorry and they're so stupidly, greedily demented!".
I really do struggle with the forgiveness thing - quite often. I find that stupid little things get me angry as well, like - has anyone else ever noticed that people are always making you promises they can't keep?! for example DFS promised me a low priced Christmas! - well, what's that all about? - they're failing me already! - in fairness I didn't actually call them or order anything from them but I'm pretty sure that that could only have made Christmas more expensive! Also - how come I can easily make a full time job out of tidying and cleaning my own house? - that's pretty much what I failed at today!!
Also had a thought or two today about how, the people we surround ourselves with can lead to us having a skewed view of the world. One where we think that a majority of the people in the world probably agree with our world view, as our friends do. This is particularly something that is brought home to me when at work and student's state their opinions "if you're ill and dying of cancer then you should just die - it's obviously nature" and "we shouldn't try to keep premature babies alive, because if we were in the wild they wouldn't live, it's not natural". Gobsmacked is not the word dear friends! I have been shocked like this a few times now and in each case these are not students who are particularly "naughty" or "just trying to get a rise" - in fact their peer group seemed more surprised that I had views that differed to theirs! I'm not saying they aren't welcome to their own views but, I certainly hadn't expected to hear them spoken in such a frank (and whilst we're talking frankly, insensitive) way. So what can we do, to avoid narrow-mindedness on all sides, COMMUNICATION, is the only way!
still though - a lovely weekend coming up, bonfire and fireworks display on Saturday, church (twice) on Sunday, Liz and Graham's and the girls for takeaway on Monday.
WoOt wOoT!
kitten out x
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