Saturday, 20 November 2010

old bikes, new bikes, hotels and tea parties!

Another busy few days Ladies and Gents. We have borrowed Alex's Dads' van for the weekend and brought my little 125 motorbike to sell to friends of friends in Leeds. Lovely couple, turns out it was a surprise for the lass! how ace because, I really didn't want to sell her (in my opinion all vehicles are girls) to someone who would treat her rubbishly! so that was last night, arrived at my rents in Lancashire at 1.00 am ish. Today's been a recuperating day - the weather was pretty awful on the way up last night, very foggy - though I must say it's actually quite a lovely sight - looking out at the pools of orange light that form in the fog under street lights.
Tomorrow we're off to Fleetwood to pick up our new motorbike. A Ducati ST2 for those who are interested, red and shiny! then it's back home in time for tea!
Last weekend we stayed in a posh hotel and had an evening meal and breakfast there too. We got a free room upgrade, for no particular reason - which was very posh and lovely. The food as usual was yum yum scrum! and the drink was pretty bloody fabulous too!
Trying to be a gentler person still, stress at work tipping me over the edge though at times! and overeating as a result :-( ah well, it's almost my birthday and Alex is throwing me a lovely tea party (Victorian style) for my birthday - this week I got my invite to it! gorgeous and lady - like and feminine. I really have wanted a party like this for ages, I hope it's as much fun for every one else as I know it will be for me!
hope all is well in the world of you,
kitten out x

Thursday, 11 November 2010

In Remembrance with reflection

so today was remembrance day and I cried during the silence, that's right - I was actually sat at home on my own crying for a few minutes! I was thinking of all the families left without sons, brothers, uncles, fathers. I was thinking about those children who never got to meet their father, because he was killed fighting for people that he would never meet. I cried because their are wives who will never get the future with their husbands that they had dreamed of from the moment they said I do. I cried because this is still going on and now people lose, daughters, wives, sisters and mothers as well. I'm not commenting here on equality, I am just overwhelmed by a feeling of a pointless loss of life - such a lot to sacrifice! I know that I for one will praying for all those in service to our country!
on a brighter note however - it is our first wedding anniversary at the weekend - we have managed to treat ourselves to a night in a local hotel! - a posh one - yay!
got my hair cut today, which is nice!
just heard that my job may be changing in nature - again! - it's weird how change and a lack of stability can make work such a hard place to be, this of course is not helped by some peoples general negativity. But atleast I'm not in a warzone. I will however endeavour to continue, being calm, positive and gentle. I will continue being as lovely as I possibly can - after all I am an ambassador of heaven!
Kitten out x

Sunday, 7 November 2010

bang, pop, whizz, squeal!

yes - fireworks, or as we tend to call them in this house wireforks!! Bury St Edmunds Abbey Gardens was the location for a lovely wirefork evening! - shared with hubby, mum in law, Henry and Cari! the fireworks themselves were so beautiful, and part of that beauty was the fact that they exist for such a very short amount of time. Like life itself, they're beautiful, bright, shiny, loud and short - lived! After the fireworks, we returned to Dawny's house and drank mulled wine with mince pies! yum yum yum - how trismassy, or Christmassy even!
All this was after a lovely day Christmas shopping in Bury St Eds - where we sorted a lot of gifts out for this year, more than we had even thought we might!! it is ace buying pressies for other ppl isn't it? - just hoping that you put a smile on their face, because Christmas carries such a warm lovely feeling and at least half of that comes from the spreading of peace and joy.
We went to church this morning, the early service again - lovely to get up and get to church - lovely worship - and a service all about being gentle and rejoicing all day every day. Hmmmm - so I wonder, am I gentle enough? I try to be a gentle Christian. I try to be non - judgemental (fail a majority of the time), calm, forgiving and real - keeping it real blud! But I don't know that I am gentle. I will try to be gentle and let you know how it goes? or if you know me or see me around, maybe you can let me know if I'm a gentle person generally?
This aft, I made 2 portions of steak in ale casserole and 2 portions of sausage casserole! we had some of the steak casserole with dumplings for dinner! then, another incredible Christmassy moment here for you, we had chestnuts roasted on our..(not) open fire! yum yum yum.
then tonight, back to the forge church for encounter - and the churches 18th birthday party! yay! I actually got up on stage and talked in to a mic to everybody there! - quite scary but much helped by the presence of the few ppl I do sort of know there - oh yeah and hubby, who I really do know!!
had an ace time and cake!
really looking forward to my birthday party - Victorian tea party - hoping people will, not only show up but also dress up and have a great time x
hope all is good in your world,
Kitten x
This afternoon

Thursday, 4 November 2010


well, today has been a sad - yet hardly surprising reminder of how it only takes one sad, greedy individual to negatively effect others in the family and to remind me how difficult I find it to stay out of others business. It's always hard to see those you care about getting hurt but I'm torn between trying to help, remember it's not my place to stick my oar in and trying to be a good Christian and forgive the individual in question but - as I said to my sis tonight "grrr - it's so difficult to be forgiving to someone when they're not sorry and they're so stupidly, greedily demented!".

I really do struggle with the forgiveness thing - quite often. I find that stupid little things get me angry as well, like - has anyone else ever noticed that people are always making you promises they can't keep?! for example DFS promised me a low priced Christmas! - well, what's that all about? - they're failing me already! - in fairness I didn't actually call them or order anything from them but I'm pretty sure that that could only have made Christmas more expensive! Also - how come I can easily make a full time job out of tidying and cleaning my own house? - that's pretty much what I failed at today!!
Also had a thought or two today about how, the people we surround ourselves with can lead to us having a skewed view of the world. One where we think that a majority of the people in the world probably agree with our world view, as our friends do. This is particularly something that is brought home to me when at work and student's state their opinions "if you're ill and dying of cancer then you should just die - it's obviously nature" and "we shouldn't try to keep premature babies alive, because if we were in the wild they wouldn't live, it's not natural". Gobsmacked is not the word dear friends! I have been shocked like this a few times now and in each case these are not students who are particularly "naughty" or "just trying to get a rise" - in fact their peer group seemed more surprised that I had views that differed to theirs! I'm not saying they aren't welcome to their own views but, I certainly hadn't expected to hear them spoken in such a frank (and whilst we're talking frankly, insensitive) way. So what can we do, to avoid narrow-mindedness on all sides, COMMUNICATION, is the only way!
still though - a lovely weekend coming up, bonfire and fireworks display on Saturday, church (twice) on Sunday, Liz and Graham's and the girls for takeaway on Monday. 
WoOt wOoT!
kitten out x

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

attitudes, lifestyle, Christmas and work.

so it was back to work yesterday after a 2 week half term. The 2 week thing, actually a bit of a sore point as it means I lose a weeks pay this year off last year - but in a more positive approach - it did mean I got to see some of my family, get on top of some housework and have lie - ins. Work, yesterday was a difficult place to return to but I have decided to try really hard to stay positive and become a better representative for Christ and Christianity. So the positive things that happened included, catching up with friends and having a laugh, not being stuck in the house, working with students and helping them with assignment work, seeing some of those students really blossom with gained confidence and starting to work on project study skills!. I might add at this point that I certainly wasn't feeling this positive yesterday or last night but in hindsight attitude is sometimes everything!
Christmas is coming, I know there are those who would rather I didn't talk about it so soon but hey - I love it, I love the generous spirits, the giving and receiving of gifts that should represent a true feeling of closeness and love  and the true meaning of Christmas, the arrival of my saviour on earth. Also - it's an excuse to stuff yourself, though it probably shouldn't be!
hubby brought home chocolates tonight, what a superstar!
kitten out x