Thursday, 8 September 2011

Hello to 14 year old me....

A friend on twitter today asked people what advice they would give their 14/15 year old self. This got me thinking. So I decided to blog a letter to my 14 year old self! So here goes...

You probably don't recognise me but I have a lot to share with you. You are beautiful. You don't know it yet but God is real and he is your heavenly father. he made you to be strong and beautiful. He knows everything that you are going through and have endured already. You are not alone in any of this.
Life isn't easy and it might never be- but who wants people to say about them after they died that they had an easy or comfortable life. Life should be an adventure. You have a roller coaster ahead of you Cat! you're life will be tough at times - you are going to experience pain, but - and I can't believe I'm going to say this - that's ok! you aren't alone in any of this, even when you feel entirely alone. I don't want to tell you too much about the bad times yet to come, because they are the times that will shape you into who you are, but you do get through the next few years and you aren't a bad person.
Don't place too much importance on finding other people who fancy you or spend too much time trying to impress people so they'll "like" you. Often they aren't worth the time. You won't feel this alone forever, friendship is important but true friendship is much easier than you think and it will come in abundance, at the right time.
Your parents are doing (as Savage garden put it) "the best job they know how to". Try not to be too harsh on them, but remember that there are other people in your life who can and will help you out when it all gets too much!
by the way - your sister is lovely, honest! talk to her more!!
that thing that you fear, you know, the one that you have pretty much accepted - that doesn't happen, that doesn't come true. Then again that big dream of yours - well that hasn't happened either - at least not yet, but I'm only 25 so who knows...?
take care of yourself, give yourself a big hug! you are worth it!,
your older self x

wow! well there we go! I've got no idea what I would have done if I had received that at 14??
Hope you're all well!,
kitten out x